
Meet Dr. Johnson

Your health,
on your time

Dr. Johnson has a commitment to treating the whole patient. This is shown through excellent communication and a caring bedside manner, combined with a multi-disciplinary approach and excellent surgical skills leading to optimal outcomes, and minimizing risk of complications.
He feels the patient is the main partner in the health care team and strives for patients to receive the highest quality of care, especially in the vulnerable and stressful time when a patient requires surgery.

A commitment to ‘total robotic surgery’ gives regular exposure to the robotic technology, increases efficiency, minimizes time under anesthesia, and improves outcomes. Many surgeons only use this technology for selected cases. The learning curve for these procedures can be long, and going to one of the highest volume robotic surgeons in the Midwest is important.
2020 09 15


DR. Johnson


12 years experience

Dr. Johnson also proctors, or teaches other attending surgeons across the Midwest when doing their first independent cases, and in the last year began proctoring advanced robotic surgeries to experienced robotic surgeons learning advanced robotic surgery.

Patient outcomes speak for themselves. With a commitment to tracking patient outcomes from the beginning of his career, Dr. Johnson’s outcomes have proven to be superior to the national standard. During consultation, Dr. Johnson can discuss your personal outcome prediction versus the national standard.

The latest in surgical techniques are utilized to hide or avoid even these small incisions. Cholecystectomy with no visible scars, utilizing small incisions in the true bikini line, or colon resections with no extraction incision. Eliminating incisions leads to less pain, which has patients walking more, using less narcotics and getting back to their normal lives faster. It also decreases risk of complications such as infection and future hernias.

Rest assured, Dr. Johnson performs all robotic surgeries himself. No residents or fellows control the robotic instruments at his Northshore home.

Patient Reviews

Dr. Benjamin Johnson is a genuine person to the core. I have gone through about 30 big and small surgeries in my life, and he is one of the top two surgeons I have ever met. Surgery of any kind is a fusion of skill and art; Dr. Johnson has clearly mastered that. He is also an extremely knowledgeable doctor who can simplify complex medical conditions to patients. I'd be recommending him to anyone who asks me for suggestions on where to get general surgery or surgeries in his areas of clinical interest. As an experienced surgery patient with a good sample size of doctors and their work, I can

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Harshad Mali

I would highly recommend Dr. Benjamin Johnson. He is an exceptional physician. I was referred to Dr. Johnson for a second opinion after getting conflicting advice following a first hospitalization for diverticulitis. I had one doctor who was insisting I needed an immediate colon resection surgery and another who was focused on some other findings relative to my bile & pancreatic ducts. Needless to say, I was confused and frustrated on top of not feeling well. Dr. Johnson was more helpful than both of the other doctors combined. He is extremely knowledgeable, very caring and patient. He expl

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-Maureen McHale Hull
Dr. Benjamin Johnson

Specializing in Robotic Surgery Services in Chicago

Dr. Johnson’s Commitment to treating the whole patient, top surgical skills, and recovery programs have led to proven excellent outcomes with Robotic Surgery.
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