




Patients can develop pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen just under the ribcage from various gallbladder issues. This can be exacerbated by eating, especially food high in fat or spice. Patients commonly develop stones in their gallbladder which can obstruct the outflow from the gallbladder, or even travel down the bile duct and obstruct the liver and pancreas

The Robotic Advantage:

Gallbladder surgery (or cholecystectomy) is one of the most commonly performed in the United States. Robotic surgery provides better vision and the ability to see through tissues to identify the location of bile ducts with FireFly TechnologyTM. This helps avoid the most feared complication of cholecystectomy, injury to the bile.

This is facilitated by Dr. Johnson’s ability to sew the bowel connection robotically.

If an extraction incision is required, Dr. Johnson typically places this incision in the underwear line. This location hides this larger incision, when required, and places it in a location much less prone to developing a hernia in the incision

Laparoscopic hernia repairs typically do not close the hernia defect, but rather span the defect with a mesh, which is sub-optimal.

Bikini Line Cholecystectomy:

Hiding all incisions is now possible with Robotic Bikini Line Cholecystectomy performed by Dr. Johnson. In appropriate patients, one 5 mm incision in the belly button and 3 8mm incisions in the true bikini line are made to perform cholecystectomy with the same safety of the standard incisions that are across the abdomen.

Avoid Conversions to Open Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery has a 5-10% conversion rate to open surgery in Western medicine. Dr. Johnson’s rate of conversion to open is less than 1%. An open cholecystectomy incision is made just below the ribs, requiring division of the abdominal muscles, resulting in a long recovery and sometimes debilitating pain. Avoiding these conversions to open surgery is very important.

Bikini Line Cholecystectomy:

Hiding all incisions is now possible with Robotic Bikini Line Cholecystectomy performed by Dr. Johnson. In appropriate patients, one 5 mm incision in the belly button and 3 8mm incisions in the true bikini line are made to perform cholecystectomy with the same safety of the standard incisions that are across the abdomen.

Avoid Conversions to Open Surgery

Laparoscopic surgery has a 5-10% conversion rate to open surgery in Western medicine. Dr. Johnson’s rate of conversion to open is less than 1%. An open cholecystectomy incision is made just below the ribs, requiring division of the abdominal muscles, resulting in a long recovery and sometimes debilitating pain. Avoiding these conversions to open surgery is very important.

Patient Reviews

Dr. Benjamin Johnson is a genuine person to the core. I have gone through about 30 big and small surgeries in my life, and he is one of the top two surgeons I have ever met. Surgery of any kind is a fusion of skill and art; Dr. Johnson has clearly mastered that. He is also an extremely knowledgeable doctor who can simplify complex medical conditions to patients. I'd be recommending him to anyone who asks me for suggestions on where to get general surgery or surgeries in his areas of clinical interest. As an experienced surgery patient with a good sample size of doctors and their work, I can

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Harshad Mali

I would highly recommend Dr. Benjamin Johnson. He is an exceptional physician. I was referred to Dr. Johnson for a second opinion after getting conflicting advice following a first hospitalization for diverticulitis. I had one doctor who was insisting I needed an immediate colon resection surgery and another who was focused on some other findings relative to my bile & pancreatic ducts. Needless to say, I was confused and frustrated on top of not feeling well. Dr. Johnson was more helpful than both of the other doctors combined. He is extremely knowledgeable, very caring and patient. He expl

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-Maureen McHale Hull
Dr. Benjamin Johnson

Specializing in Robotic Surgery Services in Chicago

Dr. Johnson’s Commitment to treating the whole patient, top surgical skills, and recovery programs have led to proven excellent outcomes with Robotic Surgery.

Specializing in Robotic Surgery In Chicago  

Dr. Johnson’s Commitment to treating the whole patient, top surgical skills, and recovery programs have led to proven excellent outcomes with Robotic Surgery.

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